Monday, June 30, 2008

Treasure those people

Treasure those people . . .

Treasure those people around you.

Treasure the guy with the spiky hair

Treasure every hello

Treasure the co-worker who complains all day

Treasure the partial conversation you hear as you pass by folks you don’t know very well
- try to fill in the missing pieces in their conversations as you walk past

Treasure that friend who roots for the same team you do . . . or for your team’s rival

Treasure every conversation

Treasure the compliments you get (whether unspoken or just thought)

Treasure the answer to your question

Ask a new question to somebody today
- How many brothers and sisters do you have? What job do/did your parents have?

Treasure going to new places with those around you

Treasure seeing the kids playing outside – and even join them for a game of kickball

Treasure singing in church with those around you and treasure hearing their voices – no matter how good or off-key they may be

So what does it mean to treasure all this? Realizing that all these people you see around you every day are treasures. Even if they are , family close friends, acquaintences, or people you rarely talk to. Think back 20 years. Think ahead 20 years. No matter what your current age, it’s likely that most of those people around you now (in your home, in your school, in your workplace, in your church, in your community, in your neigborhood) will not be around you in 20 years or were not around you 20 years ago. Circumstances change. You move. You graduate. You get a new job. You retire. OR They move. They graduate. They get a new job. They retire.

We all need to treasure the people around us. Yes, there will be other wonderful people around us in 20 years (when we are lucky, some of those around us will still be around us in 20 years, but many will not) So treasure those people around you today.

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